Learn how to write good content after reading this informative blog by a content writer at CREATIVE INC. – the best marketing agency in Delhi
When it comes to marketing or branding for any company, content is as important as design. It generates search engine results, brings people to your website and social media pages. Quality content doesn’t only bring customers, it keeps customers hooked, curates interest among them and eventually builds a loyal community. Anyone can write, but not everyone can create a lasting impact with their words. Be it copy, SEO pages, blogs and articles, expert content writers can make a difference. Experienced content writers at the best branding and marketing agency in DelhiCREATIVE INC., know how to create any type of content for the maximum benefit of the brand.
Article or long form content is a trusted marketing tool. Writing articles for content marketing requires a certain level of expertise. Planning, outlining, writing and editing – all of these go into a successful article.
Here are 7 essentials one need to follow while writing a compelling article:
1.Unique identity: First impression matters. Just like meeting someone new, a start-up needs to create a positive first impression in the market. Branding is much more than just the name and logo. A brand is what people think of whenever they hear the name of the company. So to get a unique identity, branding is an absolute necessity. A renowned marketing firm, CREATIVE INC. – suggests that every start-up should keep keep branding as their first priority before they venture out into the market.
1. Write a catchy headline: A headline is the first impression of an article. It is what brings readers to an article. A good content writer knows how to use proven traffic driving strategies to spark an interest with the headline.
2. Get the attention with a hook: After the headline, you get only a few seconds to grab the reader's attention. So, the first line is really important to make them move to the topic and read till the end.
3. Do strong research: Extensive knowledge about the topic helps build an article and increases its credibility. A content marketing specialist always does their research before starting to write. Backing up the writing with statistics, quotes and data helps a lot too, especially for the B2B market.
4. Stick to the topic: It’s easy for a writer to go with the flow and get distracted from the main topic while writing long form content. But for a reader, this can be misleading and confusing. So, to write a good article, a content writer needs to stay focused on one topic and build the article around it.
5. Set a tone: Content is a representation of the company’s voice. While writing, one needs to think about what the company wants to say, how they want to say it and to whom they want to say it. Knowing the customer also helps to determine a tone for the article.
6. Optimise digital content: Content writers at the renowned digital marketing in Delhi always line up the keywords before starting to write. Good digital articles often consist of bullets, short paragraphs, short lines, etc. SEO content strategies should be used for the best optimisation of digital content.
7. Reread and edit: Reading the first draft again to check the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes is a must. Also, editing again causes the thoughts to get clearer, and improves the article.
So now that you know article writing is not a piece of cake, work with the best content marketing agency with expert content writers to reach your target customers and increase leads.