By Jayashree Mahanty, Branding Executive @CREATIVE INC
Being in the middle of Covid-19 crisis, it’s very difficult for marketing and communication agencies especially digital marketing agencies to use their voice sensitively to take the brand’s voice ahead. We are now witness to the best digital marketing companies attempting to find a creative way for their brands to spread the message of social distancing through the power of social media and online conversation.
The audiences are looking for creative expressions and messaging and sharing stuff building a vitality of sorts. Consumers like brands that are using creativity to put the message across in various tonalities. This is the space when the most creative digital marketing agencies play their role. Consumers also believe that social media platforms give brands the power to help bring up and take social issues ahead constructively. Coronavirus outbreak is the time for social media marketing agencies to look to their consumers as the source of marketing inspiration, something we can term as the Social Brand Value.
What is Social Brand Value?
Social Brand Value is derived by interactions with brand users. Today, engagement on social media is what sustains your brand value and increases brand awareness. Therefore, a brand strategy must involve social listening to help marketers get relevant insights from their audience. Consumers today are much informed than before. Today, everyone is using a smart phone to stay updated on things that interest them. The internet is flooded with information and it is increasingly challenging for digital marketing agencies to create out-of-the-box content. But it’s not impossible! You just need to listen to the conversations happening about you and your competitors. Your strategy and your ability to connect with your audience is what matters right now.
Therefore, during Covid-19, the most sensitive campaigns will be the ones that will make a difference!