By the Content Lead at India’s topmost Marketing Agency – Creative Inc
They speak positively about the brand on social media, at events and to their followers. They become an extension of a brand and are motivated to see it succeed. “In a digital marketplace, engaged influencers can be an even bigger asset than we can possibly fathom,” says Charu Nathan, Creative Strategy Director of India’s top marketing agencyalso known to be an innovative Creative Agency with a sure shot edge.
Does Influencer Marketing Really Work?
Hmmm… are those followers even real? Well, this is where a marketing agency is truly put to test. Are you going to blow up the client’s budget on Macro influencers? Are you chasing Micro influencers who actually are emulating Macro and are literally charging sky high!
Friends, Influencer Marketing works when you think Nano. Think brands and then start looking for those 25k to 405k following influencers. This is what we call ‘catch ‘em young’. Trade for product barters, small pay outs, milestone led pay outs and crack longer term deals.
Why Bother?
Imagine that you are the integrated marketing agency for an ecommerce brand like Meesho. Now think of the Nano influencers excited to collaborate on products pertaining to fashion as well as ladies collaborating for home cleaning products. Chances are that these guys have started recently and are not buying fake following. You show your client’s brand to a select audience for literally – NOTHING!
A word of advice that you probably already know – make them shoot reels. Who is interested in a post anyway. The funnier, whackier the reel, the better the reach. Also, on a reel your influencer will be more motivated to make it look good. Job done!
Call us a creative agency, a marketing agency, a brand management agency, a social media marketing agency partner or a digital agency – YOUR SEARCH ENDS HERE!