Instagram Stories Ruling the Social Media Marketing Trend
A short must read by Charu Nathan, Creative Strategy Director of a leading Digital Marketing Agency
If Instagram is redefining how and what we show to our audiences, the Insta stories have been one of the biggest social media trends of the past couple of years and 2020 looks to be no different, claims all major Social Media Marketing agencies across the world.
The dominance of Instagram Stories speaks for themselves. However, also note that Facebook Stories are at par in terms of engagement with approximately 500 million daily users, quoted an online source.
“What started as a content sharing feature within Instagram has become an important Marketing KRA – one you cannot forget in your marketing plan. It is a genuine feature for brands to interact with their audiences,” added Charu Nathan.
We are often asked the question, “Insta stories? Any point?”
The pitch from Digital agencies to use Instagram stories is simple and logical. Stories are given front-and-center prominence on both Facebook and Instagram which means that your message won’t get lost in the feed.
Another really cool feature of Insta Stories is the ability to run simple polls with your audience. Polls are an interactive way to engage users and often captures valuable information you can use in future marketing efforts.
Image credit: Flickr