India has been a land where a celebrity has an image of God. Audiences look up to him and children aspire to be like him/her. Therefore, the crescendo of celebrities endorsing brands has been steadily increasing over the past years. Most of the brands have made their presence felt with a face representing them. A celebrity endorsing a brand gives it a high recall value and instant brand awareness. In India celebrity endorsements are a hit. Be it some soft drink brand, car, pen or any commodity in the world, it seems the market thrives on celebrities. These popular faces sell everything. But the question arises do people relate to the products and celebrity in unison.
A celebrity is used to impart credibility and aspiration value to a brand, but he needs to match the product as well. A good brand campaign idea and a link between the celebrity and the message are a must for a successful campaign. Celebrities are no doubt good at generating attention, recall and high PR value towards advertising provided they are supporting a good idea and fit the brand.
The realm of the celebrity s impact is confined to bestow a distinctive identity and provides value addition to the brand. He cannot improve or debilitate the efficiency and features of the product. So, the million dollar question here is, to celeb or not to celeb
(contributed by brand management team)