Reel-ize the power of Reels
An interesting read by a young management trainee at CREATIVE INC – a rockin’ creative agency with solid expertise in Social Media marketing
Creative Inc., a leading branding and marketing agency, knows how to deliver success for your brand.
A tough year like 2020 was for everyone, Instagram launched a new feature ‘Reels’ that blew social media. Instagram came up with a ‘Reel’ video feature beside its story, live and post features, and has not looked back since. With new updates almost every month, Instagram Reels is a limitless platform for small to big businesses.
With new logo and watermark on the video, Instagram also has a separate tab in the home screen navigation bar. Home feed, Explore page and ‘Reel’ tab on individual profiles, there are many ways people can find your brand and its message via ‘Reels’. Influencers, creators and users all use this feature extensively, from music transitioning to DIY videos, people’s feed has boomed with reel content.
This is the new social media marketing hack for businesses in the future…
Upcoming Reel Trends
Real life on reel life not only humanizes your brand but also gives the audience something to relate with. This trend sees great potential and will be used by most brand and businesses.
Transitioning trends will never end. Be on a lookout for an upbeat track, and tweak the transition according to your brand. Sassy, smooth transitions is a full proof trick to holding your viewer’s attention.
Reels are the new teasers. A 15-second video abruptly ends at the most interesting part to tease the audience. This might seem cruel to some, but is a sure shot way of engaging with users, as they feel tempted to watch your full video on YouTube or visit your website.
Followers are humans too, share some exciting aspects of your business and they will appreciate it. Behind the scene reels of small businesses are getting momentum and is likely to trend this year. Next time you are making or packaging your products, take a video of it.
Reels does not have the option of embedding links yet, but you can always highlight your products. Find a picturesque, aesthetic location and take some videos of your products. Such reels always gain popularity as the product is shown in its natural form.
Our digital marketing and social media marketing team are always on the lookout for new trends and include them in the marketing plans of the clients we engage with.