In todays, complex communicative environment it really takes that extra edge to figure out what exactly the person on the other side wants. And in the case of advertising and branding agencies, it is all the more adverse. In this field, though you can beg to differ from your clients vision of a brief, but you cannot go wrong on the understanding of the brief and his requirements. Either you have to read between the lines (mind you, sometimes the briefs passed on are truly misleading and DIYs) or you really have to be smart enough to know what is expected out of your services. Over the years, agencies across the globe have faltered on their turnaround times only because of the lack of clarity in understanding a brief. And that is probably why the smartest guys of the agencies (client servicing) are bestowed, rather I should say honoured (hope you read between the lines) with the most impossible of accounts.
That must have left you with an impression of me being hostile towards clients. But believe me, I am not the only one, probably agencies across the world would vouch for it. Thinking like the client, is definitely the trick of the trade, and I am sure we all do that quite well because thats what has made us what we are today. But, if you ever get the opportunity to visit an agency, and rather spend some time with them (please go ahead for it and you will be surprised to know how clients are really interpreted as), Im sure you would get a feel of what I am trying to convey through this monologue.
The other day, while preparing this heavy-duty concept note of an AV for a multinational, I just happened to overhear my colleague frantically trying to convince his client over the colour used for a particular layout (Man what do you have to say about an orange and pink colour combination). Well sounds impossible right for me too, but how do think should he convince his client? Thats just one experience. The situation seems to be the same within the industry.
In an attempt to understand this rift between clients and agencies, I made a humble attempt at surveying. Thanks to my colleagues and some of my industry friends. By and large, this is what I got after the survey.
Clients Comment
The design is brilliant but change the image and the colour and also give me a font option.
Agencys Interpretation
What's left Dude...?
Clients Comment
I dont have budget for this job.
Agencys Interpretation
Please do me a favour...
Clients Comment
Can I speak to your Creative Director?
Agencys Interpretation
I dont want to rack my brains with you CS guys.
Clients Comment
Lets meet up to discuss about the design...
Agencys Interpretation
Well he too wishes to bring the artist within him alive.
Clients Comment
'......' this is the creative brief
Agencys Interpretation
Figure it out yourself, even he knows this much...
Clients Comment
The copy is fine but requires little tweaking...
Agencys Interpretation
What have YOU written!!... Rewrite
Clients Comment
Forwarded the payment to the Accounts Dept
Agencys Interpretation
Chill... Your payments not happening any sooner...
Clients Comment
Can I see some colour options...?
Agencys Interpretation
Please let us know your favourite colour...
Clients Comment
I have a very stringent deadline... Need it ASAP
Agencys Interpretation
Guys, we are working this Sunday...
Clients Comment
I like the designs... I will get back to you
Agencys Interpretation
I am confused, need to discuss with colleagues on how to change the design... However, such is not the case for every client. Exceptions do exist (lucky you actually me too). But even if your clients are difficult, then what are we here for After all agencies are here to make all impossible - POSSIBLE!!!
(contributed by copydesk)