Conversations are lively and better dialogue fetches greater outcomes. Good marketing encourages the right sort of conversations. These days, people are keen to know more about the brand and its services. Before checking out your FB page, your potential customers might just try and send some message to see how responsive you will be if they want to buy your products/services. So, having meaningful conversations is necessary in today’s business environment.
But what is conversational marketing?
Conversational marketing is a dialogue-driven approach that businesses often use to have real-time conversations with their customers. It is majorly a part of social media marketing strategy. With use of Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp Business, businesses are trying to connect faster with their customers and helping them to build trust in the brand.
Conversational marketing can be done in two ways:
1. Using live chats: Human chat representatives communicate with clients via using chat software
2. Automated chat: Chatbots communicate with customers using AI (Artificial Intelligence)
Now-a-days, people want instant answers to their queries. With the use of chatbots, companies can provide real-time information to their customers and solve their queries instantly. Not just that, there are other advantages too like:
1. Conversations will help your customers to relate to your brand. It will increase their trust.
2. Customers experience will improve
3. Reduction of waiting time
4. Seeking instant feedback and take actions accordingly
5. Better conversion rate optimisation
6. Generating leads
7. Better referrals and recommendations
8. Insights into consumer behaviours
For developing an effective conversational marketing strategy, you need to connect with a good branding and marketing agency so that you have an efficient team to handle your social media marketing and digital marketing strategies.
What next!?
Be ready to invest in real-time conversations!
CREATIVE INC. is a leading creative digital and social media marketing agency headquartered in Delhi with 6 offices in total. The team comprises copywriters, strategists, planners, account servicing, digital marketing agency specialists as well as a team that knows how to create a buzz using social media marketing.