Influence via employees for effective employer branding
Finding it difficult to hire the right talent? Well, the world of micro influencers is all around you – says India’s leading Marketing Agency – CREATIVE INC. Do not ignore an engaged employee.
They speak positively about the brand to the world. This impacts the decision making of your customer, your potential client and even your future team member. They are a part of the organisation and motivated to see it succeed.
“In a digital marketplace, engaged employees can be an even bigger asset than we can possibly fathom,” says Charu Nathan, Creative Strategy Director of India’s top branding agency also known to be a highly engaging & innovative Creative Agency. Leveraging the power of their personal social networks, an organization can magnify its brand presence and enhance perceptions.
A recently conducted research exhibited that on average, employees have a network that is 10 times larger than an organisation’s follower base. As a result, jobs shared by employees yield 30% more job applications. There’s also a 37% lower initial attrition rate for hires impacted by employees. While every organisation would like to think their employees are engaged, the reality is quite different. Again research has shown that only 13% of global employees are engaged. So what can we do to engage employees so that they can actually become the micro influencer community for the brand? This and a lot more coming…