WHAT Customers Want? Knowing it and Hitting the Bulls Eye!
A short read by a leading Social Media Marketing & Creative Agency
Anticipating customers’ needs in the ever changing digital world is going to hold the key for futuristic marketing strategies. We are in the age of the customer. An age in which the empowered customer is compelling organizations to transform their marketing and advertising strategies. Addressing customer requirements is leading brands to continuously reinvent their marketing roadmaps to thoroughly understand and serve these customers and remain competitive.
Why? Well, customers want to hear what they want to hear. Hence comes the significance of relevant messaging and being responsive fast! If organizations don’t deliver on their brand promise, the customer goes shopping elsewhere.
Have you realized that each of these interactions creates data on customer behaviour, reactions, objections, buying time and interplay between brands. This gives us marketers the opportunity to collect, analyze, and, most importantly, pre-empt on how to best engage with our brand’s customer during the next interaction.
“Pre-emptive marketing strategies will hold the key to the future of marketing. Reading charts, analyzing behaviours, buying patterns and then devising a strategy that can do more hits than misses is the differentiator,” said Charu Nathan, Creative & Strategy Head of a leading Digital Marketing agency – CREATIVE INC. Various studies reveal that in order to meet constantly changing customer demands, marketers must harness their data to pre-empt what customers want. And the answer lies in BIG DATA! And this can be derived not offline but online. Social Media Marketing agencies know that Google analytics as well as all analytics of all major social media platforms gives you food for thought and can point a finger in the right direction. It is like being driven by research and taking a peek into the mindset of the audience.
Such personalized marketing by agencies in the area of market research, digital marketing, social media marketing or even branding agencies helps organizations recognize their customers as individuals, understand their needs, leverage their historical data, and predict their intentions, to deliver content and suggestions tailored to each customer — all in real-time.
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