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The world has gone social. Make sure you don’t get left behind. Today, the first thing that people check in the morning is not their face but the likes on their Instagram post. Several instagrammers or bloggers are are gaining popularity not by being innovators or inventors, but by being influencers.

In this socially-charged era, where billions of people daily leave a digital footprint, it’s time to think, how well have you leveraged this to your brand’s advantage? Do you have the right Social Media Agency to help you win customers – the smart way?

Brands that Appear at the Right Time & the Right Place, Thrive the Most

A digitally disrupted world has changed the way people think and act. Consumers are more interested in short dialogues than catalogues. And most successful brands are aware of this.

So, what do the top-level brands do that the struggling ones don’t? They hire an experienced social media agency like CREATIVE INC that knows what a disruptive and intel-led Social Media Strategy can actually do.

Social Media Optimisation (SMO) involves the use of platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, Snapchat and TikTok to engage with customers in an effective manner. Through Social Media Marketing, brands establish a one-to-one connect with their target audiences and nurture them into customers, thereby winning in the game.

The Best Way to Start? By Partnering With a Reputed Digital Agency or a Social Media Marketing Agency!

If Social Media Marketing is the game changer, why haven’t all brands aced it? Because nothing effective comes easy. And what’s not easy requires an expert to handle it.

An experienced social media marketing agency like CREATIVE INC. knows that there is a lot more to SMO than creating content and publishing it. Like a sturdy house is built on strong foundations, we create a robust strategy to build brands on social media.

First: A Robust Strategy

Before diving deep into thinking ‘what to publish’, a digital marketing company needs to first answers to the more pertinent questions; ‘why to publish’, ‘what to publish’ & ‘who are we talking to’? Some businesses need SMO for lead generation only while others require it for building brand visibility as well. 

Secondly, not all channels are equally important for every business. While most B2B companies prefer growing their customers on LinkedIn and Facebook, brands with a B2C model find amazing engagement on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.  

As a top social media marketing agency, CREATIVE INC understands the business goals of its clients and accordingly, draw out the best social media marketing strategy to act upon.

Second: Content that Captivates

When the business goals and the channels to use are clear, a smart social media agency plans the next important step, i.e., creating content that strikes a chord with the audience. While some brands engage best through informative content, others need to use a more interactive approach. 

So, understanding the kind of content needed, digital strategists at CREATIVE INC craft compelling message boards that don’t just tom-tom the brand but speak the quinssential, “what’s in it for you”!

Third: Planning and Publishing

The art of social media optimisation lies not in publishing the right content, but in posting it at the right time and at the right frequency. 

Therefore, digital agencies like CREATIVE INC plan the content calendar ahead of time and publish it when it’s bound to experience the most engagement.

Fourth: Evaluating with Analytics

A digital marketing agency understands the value of time and efforts that goes into carrying SMO for its clients. At CREATIVE INC, our strategies are fuelled by in-depth analysis and insights.

Our growth hackers regularly evaluate the performance of our content and keep improvising strategies to optimise in the best manner possible. As one of the leading digital marketing companies in India, we specialize in result-driven online marketing.

So, be where the action is!